Astronaut’s Terrifying Encounter with Giant Fish While Living Underwater for Two Weeks


Living underwater for two weeks seems like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but for former NASA astronaut and engineer Garrett Reisman, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that offered both scientific discovery and terrifying encounters with the deep sea’s mysterious creatures. Imagine being surrounded by the vast, endless ocean with creatures lurking just beyond your view, ready to surprise you at any moment. That’s exactly what happened when Reisman encountered a giant fish the size of a cow during his time living 60 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean off Key Largo, Florida.

Garrett Reisman opened up about life on the seabed (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

Garrett Reisman opened up about life on the seabed (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

In a recent appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience, Reisman opened up about his extraordinary experience living in a submerged habitat that was essentially a mini-submarine. For two weeks, he and his crew lived in this research facility designed to mimic life on the ocean floor, and although the scientific value of the mission was immense, the experience was far from relaxing. In fact, it was downright terrifying at times.

Living Below the Sea: An Underwater Habitat

For most of us, the idea of spending time underwater sounds like a dream come true — swimming with marine life, exploring the depths of the ocean, and experiencing a totally different world. But for Reisman, who is no stranger to extreme environments (having spent time in space), living underwater posed a set of unique challenges that not only tested his physical endurance but also his mental strength.

The underwater habitat where Reisman stayed was part of a scientific experiment, designed to explore how people might live and work in isolated, extreme environments for extended periods. Located 60 feet underwater, this research facility was a far cry from the cozy comforts of dry land. Reisman and his team were cut off from the outside world, with the only access being a 2.5-mile-long tunnel that provided their link to the surface. The idea was to simulate the kind of isolated, harsh conditions astronauts might face during long-duration missions, but instead of floating in space, they were deep beneath the ocean’s surface.

Reisman spoke about his terrifying encounter with an underwater beast as he nipped out to use the loo (Youtube/Joe Rogan Podcast)

Reisman spoke about his terrifying encounter with an underwater beast as he nipped out to use the loo (Youtube/Joe Rogan Podcast)
The Quiet of the Ocean: Silence and Darkness

The conditions in the habitat were unique and incredibly isolated. Reisman described the silence of the ocean as eerily peaceful yet unnerving. The crew was surrounded by the dark, cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and the only sounds they heard were the lapping of the water against the dome of their habitat. There were no familiar sounds of civilization, no cars honking or people talking. Just the quiet of the sea. And that silence was often broken by the unmistakable sensation of the ocean’s darkness surrounding them, giving rise to feelings of unease.

It wasn’t just the stillness of the ocean that caused discomfort. It was the knowledge that the waters below were home to creatures of all shapes and sizes, some of which were downright terrifying. But despite the unease, Reisman knew that his mission had a scientific purpose, and his curiosity about the ocean kept him focused. He had learned to adapt to the oddity of life submerged, understanding the dangers and thrill that came with being at the mercy of the ocean.

The Scariest Moment: Encounter with a Giant Fish

The most terrifying moment of Reisman’s underwater adventure came during a routine swim to the nearby gazebo where the crew would occasionally go to use the bathroom. In an environment as isolated as this one, you didn’t have the luxury of traditional plumbing. Instead, you had to venture out into the ocean for certain needs — and that’s when the creatures of the deep became a very real and immediate concern.

As Reisman swam to the gazebo, he noticed something strange. The fish in the water seemed to be growing accustomed to the human presence, and whenever someone entered the water, they gathered, likely hoping for food. But on one particular night, what should have been an ordinary trip turned into a nightmare. As Reisman entered the water in the dark, he felt the deep ocean around him, and suddenly, the feeling of being watched hit him.

“I opened my eyes in the darkness with my flashlight,” Reisman recalled during his conversation with Joe Rogan. “And I saw right in front of me this huge eyeball — about the size of a saucer.” The moment was enough to send a wave of panic through him. Reisman quickly swam back to his underwater home, heart racing and terrified of what he had just encountered. His crew feared he had been bitten by a shark, but Reisman explained later that it was much less sinister — it was a giant Goliath Grouper, one of the largest fish species in the world.

The goliath grouper can reach up to 8ft tall and weigh 455kg (Getty stock)

The goliath grouper can reach up to 8ft tall and weigh 455kg (Getty stock)
The Goliath Grouper: A Fish the Size of a Cow

The creature Reisman encountered was no ordinary fish. The Goliath Grouper is a massive fish that can reach lengths of up to 8 feet and weigh over 1,000 pounds — about the size of a small cow. These fish are known for their size, power, and surprisingly gentle nature, but to Reisman, in the darkness of the ocean with only a flashlight illuminating the void, it was a terrifying sight. The enormous creature’s unblinking, unflinching stare only heightened the sense of danger and the unknown.

While Goliath Groupers are generally harmless to humans, the sight of such a massive creature up close was enough to send Reisman into a state of panic. After swimming back to his habitat, he was shaken, and his crew was understandably concerned, thinking he had been attacked. But the encounter had been harmless — just a giant fish with an inquisitive nature. Still, for Reisman, the fear of the unknown had taken over, and he couldn’t shake the image of the creature’s huge eyeball staring at him from the darkness.

The Fear of the Unknown in the Deep Ocean

Reisman’s experience underscores the deeply unsettling nature of the ocean. It is a vast, dark, and largely unexplored environment where mysteries abound. As humans, we know so little about what lies beneath the surface, and that uncertainty can stir up fear and anxiety. For Reisman, who had lived in space where he was surrounded by the unknown but also had the comfort of understanding the environment, being underwater was a different kind of challenge. The ocean is wild and unpredictable, and even the most seasoned professionals must remain cautious of the creatures that inhabit its depths.

During his interview, Reisman also spoke about the unsettling feeling of being surrounded by darkness, with the ocean below seeming like an endless void. “You’re thinking about every single scary ocean movie you’ve seen — Jaws, The Meg, The Abyss — all those scary movies, right?” he said. The images from these films, coupled with the real threat of the unknown, created an atmosphere of constant tension. Every creak and sound from the underwater habitat reminded Reisman of how small and vulnerable he was in such an enormous, unexplored world.

Living Underwater: What It Takes to Endure

Despite the terrifying moments and constant sense of unease, living underwater for two weeks taught Reisman valuable lessons in endurance and resilience. He learned the importance of mental strength, especially when faced with isolation and the unknown. In the face of fear, it was crucial to stay calm and focused. The psychological strain of living underwater, combined with the physical challenges, required not only physical preparedness but also emotional fortitude.

For Reisman, the experience wasn’t just about the physicality of life underwater but also about gaining insight into how humans can adapt to extreme environments. The challenge was to push past the discomfort, trust in the research mission, and keep going, despite the fear.

Lessons from the Depths of the Ocean

Reisman’s encounter with the Goliath Grouper and his time living in the underwater habitat serve as a stark reminder of how much we still have to learn about the ocean and its inhabitants. It is a vast, mysterious world, full of creatures and landscapes that remain largely undiscovered. While modern technology has allowed us to explore these depths, there is still so much we don’t understand.

Reisman’s story also highlights the importance of pushing boundaries, whether in space, on land, or under the ocean. His willingness to face the unknown, even when it seemed terrifying, allowed him to make valuable contributions to science and gain personal insights that can only come from stepping outside one’s comfort zone.

In conclusion, Garrett Reisman’s time underwater, filled with moments of fear and awe, offers a fascinating glimpse into the challenges of living in extreme environments. From the terrifying encounter with a giant fish to the haunting silence of the ocean, his experience shows that sometimes the greatest discoveries happen when we push ourselves to the edge — and face the vast, mysterious world that lies beneath the surface.

Would you have the courage to live underwater for two weeks and face the unknown depths of the ocean?

Featured Image: Youtube/Joe Rogan Podcast

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