
What’s truth behind the story of “Dogs domesticated themselves because they liked snacks”?


The origin of dogs remains one of the greatest mysteries in animal domestication. While it’s widely believed that humans played a crucial role in turning wolves into our loyal companions, a fascinating new study suggests that wolves may have had a hand in their own domestication.

The Self-Domestication Theory

For years, scientists have debated how wolves evolved into domestic dogs. The traditional theory suggests that humans selectively bred tame wolves for hunting and companionship, gradually turning them into the dogs we know today. However, a new study challenges this view, proposing that wolves may have domesticated themselves by choosing to live near humans for food.


This theory, known as “self-domestication,” suggests that some wolves began scavenging around human settlements, seeking out a consistent food supply. Over time, these wolves grew more tolerant of human presence, and through natural selection, they passed down their more docile traits. These wolves likely mated with others that shared similar temperaments, slowly evolving into the first domestic dogs.

Statistical Evidence for Self-Domestication

While the idea of self-domestication is not new, researchers recently used a statistical model to test its plausibility. The model considered timelines and the wolves’ ability to adapt to a human-centric environment. The results showed that, given the right conditions, natural selection could indeed have driven wolves to domesticate themselves.

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A Critical Link in Understanding Evolution

This research not only reshapes our understanding of dog domestication but also offers insights into how other species might have evolved alongside humans. By studying dogs, we can better grasp the complex process of domestication and its role in shaping human history.

So, the next time you cuddle up with your dog, remember: it might not have been all humans who tamed the wolf—it could have been a little help from the wolves themselves!

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