
Could an Asteroid Strike Earth in 2032? Scientists Weigh in on the ‘City-Destroying’ Threat


A newly discovered asteroid, named 2024 YR4, has recently made headlines due to its potential to hit Earth in 2032. While the chance of collision remains small, scientists, including experts at NASA, are taking it seriously. As space exploration and technology improve, our understanding of such threats has advanced significantly. Let’s dive into the details of this discovery and what it means for the future.

The Discovery of 2024 YR4

On December 27, 2024, a telescope in Chile detected a new asteroid, identified as 2024 YR4. It was spotted over 27 million miles from Earth, which is relatively far in astronomical terms. This distance is still close enough for experts to monitor its trajectory and determine potential risks. The size of the asteroid is still not precisely known but is estimated to range between 130 feet (40 meters) to 330 feet (100 meters) in diameter.

To put this into perspective, this asteroid is large enough to potentially cause significant damage to a city if it were to collide with Earth. Kansas City, for example, could face destruction if 2024 YR4 were to impact. However, this is just one possible scenario, and many factors could alter the asteroid’s potential impact. Asteroids are often unpredictable, making their tracking and study an essential part of planetary defense efforts. Learn more about asteroid impact scenarios.

The Probability of Impact: What the Experts Say

Despite the frightening size of 2024 YR4, NASA experts are not overly concerned. According to Paul Chodas, the director of NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, the likelihood of the asteroid colliding with Earth is only about 1.2 percent. Chodas reassures the public by saying, “We are not worried at all, because of this 99 percent chance it will miss.”

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The asteroid could hit a city (Getty Stock Images)

In other words, while 2024 YR4 certainly deserves attention, there’s no immediate cause for panic. The small probability doesn’t mean we should ignore the potential consequences of such an event. Other experts, including David Rankin, have echoed similar sentiments. Rankin, speaking with Space.com, noted that the impact probability remains low and emphasized that “the most likely outcome will be a close approach, where the asteroid misses us.” While 2024 YR4 poses minimal risk for now, monitoring is ongoing to ensure that any changes to its orbit are detected early. Read more on how NASA tracks near-Earth objects: NASA Near-Earth Object Program.

The Risk Corridor: Where Could It Land?

At present, 2024 YR4’s “risk corridor”—the most likely area where it could strike—spans from South America to sub-Saharan Africa. This corridor includes a vast area, so even if the asteroid does impact, it’s impossible to pinpoint exactly where. Such an event, although unlikely, could cause widespread devastation, depending on where the asteroid strikes.

However, Rankin also cautions that this risk corridor is subject to change. As new observations are made, the asteroid’s trajectory and the potential impact zone could shift. Scientists rely on updated data from telescopes, radar, and computational models to make more accurate predictions. Read more about how scientists track asteroid paths. While the risk of an actual collision remains low, careful observation and continuous updates ensure that experts stay ahead of any changes in the asteroid’s behavior.

Social Media Reactions: What Are People Saying About the Asteroid?

As news of 2024 YR4 spreads, social media has been buzzing with reactions and concerns. People from all over the world are sharing their thoughts on the asteroid’s potential impact. Below are some sample social media posts highlighting the public’s responses and expert opinions.

Twitter Post
🚨 Asteroid 2024 YR4 could hit Earth in 2032! 😱 Is this the end of the world? NASA says it’s unlikely, but it’s still worth keeping an eye on. What do you think? #Asteroid2024 #SpaceNews #NASA

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Instagram Post
🌍 Is Earth in danger from 2024 YR4? Scientists say the asteroid has a low chance of hitting us, but the impact would be catastrophic if it does. What would you do if you knew a city-destroying asteroid was heading our way? #AsteroidRisk #NASA #PlanetaryDefense

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Facebook Post
Breaking News: A newly discovered asteroid, 2024 YR4, has caught NASA’s attention as it could collide with Earth in 2032. Although experts say the risk is minimal, many are worried. What’s your take on this? Should we be concerned? #AsteroidWatch #NASAUpdates #SpaceScience

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These posts show the blend of public curiosity and concern about the asteroid’s potential. Even though experts reassure us, the idea of a city-destroying asteroid remains a hot topic online. It highlights how space science can fascinate, educate, and even cause some anxiety among people globally.

The Mystery of the Asteroid’s Size and Composition

One of the challenges scientists face in assessing the potential threat posed by 2024 YR4 is its size and composition. While the asteroid’s current size estimate is between 130 and 330 feet, its exact dimensions remain uncertain. This is largely due to its current location far from Earth. With the asteroid’s distance, making precise measurements remains a challenge, and scientists are eager to gather more data.

NASA uses radar observations to estimate the size of near-Earth objects, but because 2024 YR4 is still far away, these observations are difficult to make. The asteroid’s composition is another key factor in determining its potential impact. Asteroids are made of different materials—some are rocky, while others are composed of metals like iron. If 2024 YR4 is composed of stony material, it could behave differently upon entering Earth’s atmosphere compared to one made of metals.

If the asteroid’s surface is dark, it could be made of a material that absorbs light and would be smaller in size than previously estimated. On the other hand, if the asteroid has a reflective surface, it could be larger than expected. Rankin explains that determining whether the asteroid is composed of stony materials or metals is crucial for assessing the potential damage. Each type of material has its own unique characteristics that affect how it behaves when colliding with Earth’s atmosphere.

What Could Happen If It Hits?

So, what would happen if 2024 YR4 actually impacted Earth? Experts suggest two potential scenarios based on the asteroid’s composition. Each of these scenarios could lead to drastically different consequences for our planet.

  1. Stony Asteroid: If 2024 YR4 is made of stony material, it could cause a significant air burst upon entry, potentially creating a massive fireball and shockwaves reaching the ground. Such an event would resemble the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia in 2013, which caused injuries to over 1,000 people. A stony asteroid may not reach the ground intact, but the explosion could still cause significant destruction.
  2. Metallic Asteroid: If the asteroid is made of iron, it would punch through the atmosphere with minimal resistance, likely creating an impact crater. The result could be much more destructive, similar to the Chicxulub impact, which is believed to have contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. An iron asteroid could create a massive crater and release an enormous amount of energy upon impact, causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and other catastrophic events.
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NASA has said that the newly spotted asteroid ‘deserves attention’ (Getty Stock Images)

Understanding the size, composition, and orbit of asteroids like 2024 YR4 is crucial for preparing for any possible future impact. This knowledge will be key to planning any necessary mitigation strategies.

When Will We Know for Sure?

Although 2024 YR4 is still quite far from Earth, scientists expect to have a better understanding of the asteroid’s characteristics by 2028. By then, it will be close enough for radar observations to help refine estimates of its size and structure. Radar data is critical for understanding both the size and rotation of the asteroid, which helps refine predictions about its potential impact.

For now, experts continue to monitor its orbit and brightness, which provides insights into its potential structure. The asteroid’s absolute magnitude—how bright it appears—is a key indicator. As Rankin explains, if the asteroid is darker, it will appear dimmer than expected, which means it’s smaller. Conversely, a brighter asteroid could indicate a larger size.

As more data becomes available, experts will be able to provide a clearer picture of the asteroid’s path. Radar-based observations and more precise measurements will offer better clarity in predicting any risks. The asteroid’s future behavior will continue to be closely monitored to ensure we’re ready for any changes.

The Big Picture: How Concerned Should We Be?

Despite the uncertainty surrounding 2024 YR4, the overall odds of an asteroid impact in the near future remain very low. NASA’s monitoring efforts continue to ensure that any potential threats are identified early, giving humanity time to prepare if necessary. As Rankin noted, no known large asteroid currently has an impact probability above 1 percent.

However, the sheer possibility of an asteroid hitting Earth has led to increased interest in planetary defense strategies. Scientists are developing methods to track and, if necessary, redirect asteroids that could pose a threat. One such effort is the DART mission, which successfully demonstrated the ability to alter the course of an asteroid. This is just one example of how NASA and other space organizations are preparing for the worst-case scenario.

Space agencies around the world continue to collaborate on asteroid monitoring and planetary defense strategies. Innovative technology and international cooperation play a crucial role in safeguarding Earth from asteroid impacts.

Conclusion: A Cautious but Watchful Eye

While the likelihood of 2024 YR4 causing an impact in 2032 remains low, scientists continue to keep a close watch on it. Thanks to advancements in space observation technologies and ongoing research, we can feel reassured that experts are taking all necessary precautions to protect Earth from potential asteroid threats.

For now, though, there’s no need to worry. The probability is low, and the asteroid is still many years away from its closest approach. But as with all things in space, vigilance is key. Stay informed with NASA’s updates on asteroids.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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