7 Startling Predictions for 2025 by the ‘Living Nostradamus’

Athos Salomé, a self-styled prophet from Brazil, has earned a reputation for making bold predictions that have captured global attention. He claims his insights have accurately foretold major events in history, such as the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, and the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Salomé, who has been dubbed the “Living Nostradamus” due to his apparent ability to foresee future events, has now shared a series of predictions for 2025 that have left many people both intrigued and alarmed.

While some may view these predictions with skepticism, others are eager to see whether any of them will come true. Here, we take a closer look at Salomé’s seven chilling forecasts for 2025, which cover everything from genetic engineering and artificial intelligence to extraterrestrial contact and military secrets. Let’s dive into these predictions and explore the possibilities of what the future might hold.

1. The Rise of Genetically Modified Humans

One of Salomé’s most eye-catching predictions for 2025 involves the future of human genetics. He believes that breakthroughs in genetic research will allow for the creation of genetically modified humans. According to Salomé, these advancements could lead to humans who are stronger, smarter, and more resistant to diseases. Essentially, humans will be “perfected” through scientific interventions, marking a new era in human evolution.

Salomé suggests that these genetically enhanced individuals will be designed to excel in every possible way, from physical capabilities to intellectual prowess. Such changes could radically alter society, with “perfected” humans holding an advantage over those who have not undergone genetic modification. While the science behind genetic engineering is still in its early stages, recent advancements in CRISPR and gene editing have already made headlines. Salomé’s vision of a genetically modified future, therefore, seems plausible in the long run.


Salomé predicts breakthroughs in genetic experimentation that will result in the creation of genetically modified humans. Credit: janiecbros / Getty
2. Artificial Intelligence Beyond Our Control

Salomé is particularly concerned about the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to spiral out of control. He predicts that by 2025, AI systems will surpass human control and become autonomous. He warns that AI will evolve to a point where it will be able to make decisions and take actions independently of human input.

The concept of AI gaining autonomy and becoming self-aware is both fascinating and terrifying. In Salomé’s prediction, the technology that was once created to serve humanity may eventually evolve into something we can no longer manage or control. Experts in AI and machine learning have been discussing the possibility of this scenario for years, with many warning about the dangers of AI becoming too advanced for us to handle. Could we see a future where machines operate independently of human oversight? Salomé certainly believes this could become a reality by 2025.

3. The Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life

Another startling prediction from Salomé centers on the possibility of making contact with extraterrestrial life. He predicts that by 2025, the existence of alien life—whether microbial or intelligent—will be officially acknowledged by world governments. This could mean a variety of things: from the discovery of microbial life on Mars to the revelation of evidence of advanced alien civilizations existing somewhere beyond Earth.

For years, scientists have been searching for signs of life on other planets, particularly on Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. In recent years, missions to Mars have uncovered evidence of water in the planet’s past, raising the possibility that life may have existed there. Salomé’s prediction suggests that by 2025, we may no longer be in the dark about the existence of life beyond our planet. Whether it’s microbial organisms or advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, the implications of such a discovery would be monumental.


4. A Global Energy Crisis—Manipulated by Humans

Salomé also predicts that the world will face a major energy crisis by 2025. However, he does not foresee this crisis being caused by natural energy shortages. Instead, he claims that the crisis will be the result of human manipulation. According to Salomé, zero-point energy generators, which could provide limitless clean energy, already exist. However, these technologies are being suppressed and hidden from the public in order to maintain control over global energy markets.

This theory taps into longstanding conspiracy theories that suggest powerful elites are intentionally keeping sustainable energy solutions out of the public eye in order to maintain their dominance over the energy sector. While the idea of zero-point energy remains largely speculative, the notion that certain technologies are being suppressed is one that has been discussed by critics of the fossil fuel industry for years.

Salomé’s prediction paints a grim picture of a world that could be deliberately kept in the dark about the availability of clean, free energy. Whether this is true or not, the issue of global energy shortages remains one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.

5. Population Control Through Technology

In what may be one of his most controversial predictions, Salomé suggests that by 2025, new technologies will be introduced under the guise of improving safety and efficiency. However, these technologies will actually be used for mass surveillance and population control. One example Salomé provides is implantable chips that could be used to track individuals.

While the idea of microchips being implanted in humans may sound far-fetched, there are already discussions about the potential for such technologies in the future. For instance, the use of microchips in pets is already widespread, and some have speculated that the same technology could eventually be used in humans for tracking purposes.

Salomé’s prediction suggests a future where individual freedoms are significantly curtailed, and privacy is eroded in the name of security. As surveillance technologies continue to advance, questions about the balance between security and privacy will become increasingly important.

6. Engineered Disasters Caused by Human Intervention

Salomé predicts that we will see an increase in natural disasters, such as hurricanes, droughts, and earthquakes, but with a twist: these disasters will occur in places where they are unexpected, possibly due to human interference with the climate. This prediction taps into concerns about geoengineering and climate manipulation.

Geoengineering is a controversial field of science that involves deliberate attempts to manipulate the Earth’s climate to counteract global warming. While some scientists believe geoengineering could be a solution to climate change, others warn about the potential unintended consequences of such actions. According to Salomé, human interference in the climate will lead to increasingly unpredictable and destructive natural events.

If this prediction proves true, it would suggest that humanity’s efforts to control the climate could backfire, leading to disastrous consequences. With climate change already wreaking havoc around the world, the idea that humans could make things even worse through geoengineering is both frightening and plausible.

7. The Exposure of Military Secrets

Finally, Salomé predicts that by 2025, previously hidden military secrets will be revealed to the public. These secrets could include the existence of underground military bases and advanced technologies such as gravity-defying propulsion systems. According to Salomé, these revelations will shock the world and change our understanding of military technology.

There have long been rumors of secret government programs focused on advanced technologies, including UFOs and anti-gravity research. Salomé’s prediction suggests that, by 2025, the truth about these covert projects will come to light. If true, this could represent a significant shift in how the public views military research and technology.

The exposure of such secrets could also have geopolitical implications, as countries would be forced to reassess their military capabilities in light of these new revelations.

The Verdict: Will Salomé’s Predictions Come True?

While Athos Salomé’s predictions are certainly compelling, it’s important to approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism. Predictions of this nature are often based on broad, speculative ideas and can easily be interpreted in various ways. Whether or not his visions for 2025 come to pass remains to be seen, but they certainly offer a glimpse into a future filled with rapid technological advancements and potential upheaval.

As we move closer to 2025, the world will be watching closely to see if any of Salomé’s startling forecasts come true. Until then, we can only wait and see what the future holds.

What do you think? Are Salomé’s predictions plausible, or are they simply the stuff of science fiction? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Featured image credit: ullstein bild / Getty

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