People Are Stunned to Learn Why Bluetooth Has Its Strange Name

Bluetooth is a household name that connects devices worldwide, but have you ever wondered about the meaning behind its unique name. Incredibly, it has nothing to do with how the technology works, and its origins are quite fascinating.
The Origins of Bluetooth
The wireless technology we use today, was developed in the 1990s by tech giants Intel, Ericsson, and Nokia. Initially, the name was just a placeholder until something “cooler” could be chosen. But over time, they found the name so fitting that they decided to keep it. The name, however, is not as modern as the tech itself. it dates back over a thousand years.

Who Was King Harald ‘Bluetooth’ Gormsson?
It’s named after a Danish king, Harald ‘Bluetooth’ Gormsson, who reigned in the 10th century. Known for uniting Denmark and Norway, King Harald earned the nickname “Bluetooth” due to a dead tooth that turned a dark blue-grey. This connection between uniting Scandinavia and the wireless technology’s goal of connecting various devices was too perfect to ignore.

Credits: The collector
Why Bluetooth Was Chosen
During a meeting to standardize short range wireless technology, Jim Kardach from Intel suggested the name as a temporary placeholder. The other options were “RadioWire” and “PAN” (Personal Area Networking), but due to trademark issues and web conflicts.

Credits: Fabrik brands
The Bluetooth Logo
The logo is a clever tribute to the king. It combines two runes from the Younger Futhark alphabet symbols for the initials of king Harald himself.
Fun Reactions
Many people find the story amusing and charming. One Reddit user said, “I love that it’s named after a guy. It’s so bad sci-fi-esque that it’s charming!” Others were surprised that the name came from a historical figure, not just a futuristic concept.